The ENGIE Group’s Ombudsman has set himself 2 missions:
- The main one is to settle protracted disputes between ENGIE Group subsidiaries and their stakeholders, namely their customers, suppliers, partners, etc.
He pursues this goal primarily for the Group’s French subsidiaries.
- When he cannot directly be the Ombudsman who settles the dispute, the second goal he has set himself consists in assisting subsidiaries to implement an alternative dispute resolution process, in reference to local regulations.
Over 90% of claimants referring to the Ombudsman are consumers. That is why the ENGIE Group’s Ombudsman has since 26 February 2016 complied with changes in French regulations governing mediation and is no approved as a “Consumption Ombudsman” by the Mediation Assessment and Control Commission (CECM).
Accordingly, if you have an unsettled dispute with a Group subsidiary, do not hesitate to refer the matter to the Ombudsman.
Mediation follows a precise process and a particular complaint does not necessarily qualify for mediation. For more information on whether or not your complaint qualifies for mediation, click here.